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Uncommon Journeys
Awakened by Midnight Chants…Timkat in Ethiopia
A single candle illuminates the shrouded figures of four small children, bronzing their faces and imbuing them with an angelic quality....
Uncommon Journeys
Lost in Translation
From quaint grammatical infelicities to expressions lost in translation, unintentionally hilarious signs are a universal source of...
Uncommon Journeys
Voluntourism: Looking Good or Doing Good?
The recent boom in tour companies offering international “voluntourism” opportunities has fueled the desire to volunteer. As a result,...
Uncommon Journeys
Who's on First
We're often asked what distinguishes Uncommon Journeys from other small group tour companies. While we appreciate the question and...
Uncommon Journeys
Trailblazing Women in Travel History
Think about great explorers, and legendary men readily spring to mind. But as a tour leader in Burma, Bolivia, Ethiopia and the...
Uncommon Journeys
Bolivia…The World’s Best Kept Secret
We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again. Bolivia is South America’s best kept secret. But the world is catching on. Paul Richardson,...
Uncommon Journeys
Sustainable Tourism
Much of the world has been taught to beg for money, candy, pens, toys, lipstick and trinkets, by well-intentioned but misguided tourists...
Uncommon Journeys
Skipping Stones: An Award Winning Multicultural Magazine for Teens
As a world traveler, you recognize the importance of multicultural awareness among young people. As a teacher, parent, grandparent or...
Uncommon Journeys
“Handy” Advice for World Travelers
When traveling abroad, be aware of seemingly innocent hand gestures that could be misconstrued or unintentionally offensive. Throughout...
Uncommon Journeys
The Meaning of Travel
There are almost as many reasons to travel as there are travelers. Intrigued by the myriad motivations, we sought insights through the...
Uncommon Journeys
Inspiring Travel Quotes
Some travel quotes are so compelling that they inspire us to pack a bag, spread our wings and set off on an excellent adventure. Here...
Uncommon Journeys
How to Communicate Through an Interpreter
As a world traveler, you’ve undoubtedly experienced the challenges of communicating through an interpreter. Here are some guidelines to...
Uncommon Journeys
Photographing Indigenous Cultures
When I photograph indigenous people, I approach with one simple principle: finding a common denominator – something that unites us as...
Uncommon Journeys
Uncommon Journeys By the Numbers
We are humbled by the trust that clients extend to Uncommon Journeys. When they return to travel with us again and recommend our tours to...
Uncommon Journeys
Ten Consummate Travel Experiences
Statistics show that 85% of travelers go someplace they've already been. Ready for a break from the familiar? Eager to try something...
Uncommon Journeys
Is It Burma or Myanmar?
If you’re looking for a definitive answer as to whether Burma or Myanmar is the correct name for the southeast Asian country, you’re not...
Uncommon Journeys
Facts & Myths About Obtaining a Bolivian Visa
If you’re confounded by the requirements and process to obtain a Bolivian tourist visa, your confusion is justified. We travel to...
Uncommon Journeys
Magical Burma Through Our Lens
Recent images of a ravaged Burma have been seared into our consciousness. As distressing and gut-wrenching as they are, Burma is so much...
Uncommon Journeys
Helping the Burmese Help Themselves
On February 1, 2021, the Burmese (Myanmar) military staged a coup, leaving death, destruction and poverty in its wake. The crisis has...
Uncommon Journeys
Should You Travel to Myanmar?
If you wonder whether you should travel to Myanmar, please read on. First of all, we cannot express vigorously enough our condemnation of...
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